Tuesday, December 12

"Intelligence is finite"

Corollary - and the population is rising.

Common sense seems to be uncommon too! Re:recent case of opposition to introduction of compulsory helmets for 2 wheeler riders in Blr. Apparently after 4 false starts, the government (Chief Minister no less - though what business the CM has wasting time on traffic laws is beyond me; ostensibly idiots cracking their skulls on pristine Blr sidewalks more important than chikungunya) decided to cut its health care bill in half by introducing the helmet bill - there were protests and the reasons ... in order of importance:
  • Its too hot to wear a helmet (perhaps you prefer a hole in your head - looks well ventilated anyway )
  • It impairs hearing!! really??!? Much like all car drivers cant hear a thing when they roll up their windows! Exactly which part of traffic noise do you miss? It might be a good idea to rely on your sense of sight and look over your shoulder (or side view mirrors if you are intelligent enough to posses a pair) BEFORE you swerve!
  • Women: Spoils the hairstyle - really? and presumably the diesel soot belching from assorted trucks / autos is a great conditioner? Also great for the face?? gives it a sexy black sheen...
  • Men: Helmets cause hair loss. I agree with this one. all helmets come fitted with part velcro fasteners on the inside which keep helmets fixed to the head and on removal rip out tufts. Also soot (preferably benzene and arsenic flavoured) is a great hair rejuvinator.
Then there is young Master Rae Rae, all of 16 years old, had a drink too many (in his case a drink is too many), drove a car, crashed it into a lamp post and injured among others his sister. Goes on national radio and says "I would do it again but with no-one in the car besides me. I would drink and drive again with just me in the car," and "Too much to drink for me to be behind the wheel." which was only 180 kph in a 50 km zone!! His mother, yes the parent to the injured daughter, also the booze supplier in this case, says

"Every time I told him not to drink too much but he don't listen. He ignore it," and

"I don't blame him because he was working hard. He needs something to relax." (also on National Radio).
Footnote: British police has appealed to a modern day (jack) ripper to surrender; two British animal rights campaigners "clad" in bikinis made of lettuce leaves urge the people of Kazakhstan to stop eating horses; A Texas real estate agent is offering clients a free Glock pistol with every house they buy and A Texas lawmaker is aiming to allow the blind to hunt

We can only hope Darwin was right about natural selection...............

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