Thursday, March 5

To be or not to be...thats not really a question on Facebook!

So Facebook is the boon and the bane of ones modern existence. Interestingly enough folks will add all sorts of random folk as their 'Facebook friends' thereby increasing a virtual friends-who-crash-the-party circle! Actually it's not that bad - have managed to get in touch with long lost friends and consequently have open invites to visit them in Hawaii, Casablanca, HK, Melbourne, Jo'Burg etc.

Naturally, some private life becomes public - just how public is determined by the follow Q&A (game??!?) that came through my mailbox - read on as it asks a series of interesting questions and probably answers....

  1. Kissed anyone one of your Facebook friends? Yes but I don't want either of them to know about the other ;-)
  2. Been arrested? Define arrested
  3. Kissed someone you didn't like? Before or after the beer goggles?
  4. Slept in until 5 PM? Alone?
  5. Fallen asleep at work? Monday mornings between arrival and 4 PM
  6. Held a snake? (Include all undesirable girlfriends, who, hopefully are 'ex')
  7. Ran a red light? Always, unless there is a cop in sight - even ran a whole red light district once
  8. Been suspended from school? Like you haven't ??!?!?
  9. Totalled your car/motorbike in an accident? Did you total some one else's Bike/Car? Are they still your friend? Are you in hiding?
  10. Been fired from a job? This is a highly insensitive question in today's environment. It should read 'have you no shame'?
  11. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? For answer see No.6
  12. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Alternatively - do you crack jokes early in the morning (instead of smiling at the co-sleeper) - Do you think Bed tea and being your usual funny self is a bad idea?
  13. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? And do you know your tongue has other uses?
  14. Kissed in the rain? Ha ha - how many women have you know who say they hate to get wet???!@?!?
  15. Sang in the shower? Yes - ask the neighbours and the (ex)girlfriend(s).
  16. Sat on a rooftop? Yes and ran on one as well - have a permanent limp to prove it! Though the 'slope' of the roof has certain advantages! Get your mind out of the gutter Al, I am talking about looking at the sky and the scenery while lying on a mattress on top of the school roof!
  17. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Can only remember the hypothermia ;-)
  18. Broken a bone? 11+ and you?
  19. Shaved your head? er. That may not be required any more...
  20. Blacked out from drinking? Can't remember...
  21. Played a prank on someone? Yes but I deny it!
  22. Felt like killing someone? I could make a list though {insert current object of affection} would figure prominently...
  23. Made your girlfriend cry? It was not me - it was you!
  24. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? Had a turtle once - he escaped into a freshly dug garden pond...said pond did not go down well with the aunt in whose erstwhile lawn .......
  25. Been in a band? YES
  26. Shot a gun? Sort of ...
  27. Tripped on mushrooms? Say No to Drugs!
  28. Donated Blood? Yes! Yes! though the frequency may have something to do with pub crawls..
  29. Eaten alligator meat? No - but I have no idea what the villagers at Sire Pub were referring to when they served 'Game Platter'
  30. Eaten cheesecake? er...yes? Whats your point?
  31. Still love someone you shouldn't? ;-)
  32. Think about the future? There isn't one - drink now and party tonight! Also the bank is going to sink your savings and the government will get whats left..
  33. Believe in love? Could you specify who with? Let's see...
  34. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? YES
  35. Been in more than 5 countries? YES
  36. Shoplifted something? Does dragging a girlfriend out involuntarily qualify?
  37. Coloured your hair? What hair?
  38. Been Skydiving? No but would like to have the pleasure of pushing someone else off a plane..or a cliff with no reciprocal arrangement ;-)
  39. Live with your parents? Not often...
  40. Still have all your original organs? I do!
  41. Swam with sea turtles? Nope - but just to keep up with the work life, tried a swim with sting rays and sharks.
  42. Played Doctor? Ha - yes and oooh that Min... Though I am sure it would be more fun now ;-) al?
  43. Been to Washington DC? Why do you ask? and I deny it....
  44. Been to Disney? No - but I once dated a woman who was almost as large (and as shapely - this is the problem with the third pint and dimly lit bars) as Mickey.
  45. Like Beer? See 44
  46. Been on a scary place? Yes - you been in a relationship? Or had a wife?
  47. Taken a dare? Yes - I dare you to complete this and post it on facebook..And have your significant other comment ...and survive the trip home!
  48. Still have your wisdom teeth? I think it is unfair to put wisdom and teeth in the same sentence.....or the same person
  49. Been to a concert? Yes and what a waste!
  50. Lied for a good reason? I lie without reason! See No.4
  51. Been to a nude beach? No but been to a nude and a beach...
  52. Driven a boat? Piloted - the word is piloted. And yes - it was inflatable, with a small outboard and it was in Africa - the Dar-es-salaam yacht club! Happy??!?!?
  53. Been to the top of Eiffel tower? Why should I tell you? And how is it relevant? Do you have suicidal tendencies?
  54. Have a best friend? Yes - several. I discover them between the 4th and the 5th drink. They dish out good relationship advice and pass out before I do.....
