Monday, September 17

To be or not to be.... that is the question

That title has nothing to do with my post. i am simply idle at the moment waiting for news to come in from various quarters....Things to meet, people to do, decisions to make-do ;-)

Rather than twiddle my thumbs (which in Internet parlance would translate to surfing random sites), I made a good start to my professional blog - an no, if you dont already have that link, I am not providing one to you. However, that was a good start to the week. The weekend wasnt that bad either - the city (water) logged out - 5 hr traffic jams etc. ..well it wasnt entirely good either as others traffic woes put paid to my own plans so Friday was restricted to drinks and dinner. On the whole this wasnt too bad as the service was great as was the food - and, wonder of wonders, place was largely empty.
So saturday started well, rather late. Having lounged about during the day conjuring up schemes to do in a few people who happened to have pissed me off (and to find ways of making up to people I happen to have pissed off - in an ideal mathematical world this scenario would require no action - pissed off would neutralise the boors), the evening started to look up. Finally one ended up at an open air lounge with an unusual bunch of people - Pilots, Stewardesses, School Teachers, assorted travel pros, and, this being Bangalore, a few geeks. As the crowd warmed up to the company, the next table started to show singsof life - mostly in the form of 5 young things - fairly tipsy - in identical little-black-numbers. Soon they were joined by one other bloke who then proceeded (unwisely) to ply the object of his affection, with several large vodka tonics (or some such colourless beverage). This left 4 other fillies to, well fill time, and subsequently pile onto these two - resulting in a bit of a melee with a mishmash of disarrayed clothes.
In most circumstances this would have been mildly interesting - if accompanied by a pass from of of that lot (either they were pretty or one had a beer too many) - what made it hilarious was the reaction of the table:
Pilots +Brother -> Bad bad move, the guy aint getting any tonight. In 10 minutes the babe is going to throw up on him then he is going to drop them all home.
Stewardess -> These kids! But then Bombay isnt much better, just teenagers floating around. What a waste of time. The music sucks (this was true).
School Teachers (4 Nos. - and just to be clear, not much older than the drunken lot) -> what is the world coming true. Parents are responsible for this mess . Cant bear to watch this ..[Exit School Teacher 1 - unaccompanied]
Geeks - [reacting to being told that tall filly was eyeing him] - not my type [stoic]

Note: This entire bunch was Bawa with yours truly being the only non-bawa though the travel babe did mistake self for the Pilot's Brother's twin!

However, the entertainment was brought to a swift conclusion by a whistle wielding cop who proceeded to chase the entire crowd out, leading to further hilarity on the (rather busy) road (read tipsy women in very short dresses, supporting (or trying to) each other and trying to cross a rather busy road).

Now I had assumed that one was privy to this entertaining episode - however, as one surfaced for the Hash Sunday evening, was greeted by a "Hey, saw you last night" - which sent one into a flurry of excuses like - it wasnt me, I didnt do anything, till it dawned that in public one was rather well behaved. So M.Shetty and M.Menkka then reconfirmed the 5 dress episode, delicately filling me in on the said quintets performance, when out of sight. The pilots were right and the teacher's need'nt have worried.

The hash itself was rather successful - it rained and wiped out the trail resulting in a shortened run (some 11.5 k or thereabouts) but the scenery was astounding. Water stop included pineapple liberally spiked with Smirnoffs finest! This was a farewell as well, there was an excellent circle - people and their dogs were iced for offences real and imagined - and one individual for taking an imaginary bus for the last 1/2 mile. Kingfisher Draught (in 500ml cans) is better than their regular stuff. After a quick change, the party and dinner happened which basically lead (with a side discussion on the demerits of fit women ;-))to more parties in the coming weeks, particularly as there were several people who aren't a part of the contingent off to SL SAIH

Having been designated the unofficial planner for the festivities, I am off to plan said dancing and drinking.

On an unrelated note, I finally have the quorum (double digit strong) to do away with texting. When one individual from the other camp was asked as to why they text, reply: Because I dont want to have a conversation! The defence rests.


Now playing: Eagles - Hotel California
via FoxyTunes

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