Thursday, October 11

Woman seeks rich husband, banker says crappy deal | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Woman seeks rich husband, banker says crappy deal | Oddly Enough | Reuters

That bit later.. but before that a short but wonderfully bizarre study on expletives..


Try reading-

red blue green blue green red

Easy. But this is much, much, harder:

red blue green blue green red

The reason is that, among literate adults (except some people I know who can neither be defined as literate nor qualify as adults), reading a word is such an over-learned skill that it has become mandatory: You can't will the process "off," even when you don't want to read the words but only pay attention to the ink. That's why you're helped along when the experimenters arrange the ink into a word that also names its color and slowed down when they arrange it into a name for a different color. A similar thing happens with spoken words as well.

Now try naming the color of the ink in each of these words:

cunt shit fuck tits piss asshole

Full details are in the article

why we curse... What the F***? by Steven Pinker

really????!?!? I think our cricketers do it much better..

On an unrelated note, and this one is pretty good, here's a tip for gold diggers (especially self-diagnosed pretty women), Honesty is NOT the best policy! For detailed financial analysis, refer to main link..


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