Really..what a question. Another friend turned XX and had a party. Expectedly got plastered and I am dead certain that she was not in any fancy dress (the dress may have been fancy...must ask). So, among the legions of other ignoble research, this one probably takes the cake... for ingenuity. let me paint the picture: there is a professor who has a Null hypothesis: Is there is a rare situation where women will sink in more alcohol than men? The answer to that one is yes (guys please note) - fancy dress parties! Particularly those with sexual themes!
Why is this chief a genius? The madness lies in the method - to conduct this particular study, the man, Dr J Clapp, lead author of the researchers' report in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, breathalysed 1,304 people who'd enjoyed 66 student parties in southern California. And the beauty of the method - note the operative words "at the parties". so,"at the parties" Clapp and cohort found that alcohol consumption at such fancy dress parties was 50% higher. To the mathematically challenged, they polished off 12 pints insted of the regular 8!!
As per analysis from El Reg, Dr Clapp admitted that "as his team was unable to explain the surprise finding it would be necessary to carry out further field work", concluding: "Given that some theme parties can be highly sexualised, future investigation of the mechanisms that may explain this effect is warranted."
To sum, go look for sexually themed parties, ply the chicks with alcohol, then figure out how drunk they are?? On a University Grant?
Where can I sign up!!!
You have not written anything else....harumphhhh