Friday, May 27


... ke baad. Day X, no bar-be-Q .... law of averages must be catching up! Along with the heat, rain, parking, conference calls, dinner, lack thereof, run, lack thereof, tiredness creeps in. Day was a near disaster but, in the words of the bard... "When the hurly burly's done, when the battles lost and one (just one more to go for the day)..." came across an interesting set of t-shirts.... just in case you are thinking of doing a Mirza Ghalib ... here are some samples :-)

  • Why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a coma?
  • If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you
  • Better to have loved and lost then living with a psycho the rest of your life
  • If you're going through hell, keep going
And for the more cynically inclined

Flying is simple, you just throw yourself at the ground and miss.... though I wish you didnt.

More on the subject...freshly plagiarised from the net..

I'm Not Your Stalker

I’m not your stalker

just because I watch you…from the bushes on your way home.

I’m not your stalker

just because I take pictures of you…while you’re sleeping.

I’m not your stalker

Just because I send you roses…with hidden cameras in them.

I’m not your stalker

just because I love you…even now you don’t know it.

I’m not your stalker

just because I have your underwear…that I stole when you were not at home.

I’m not your stalker I’m your best friend

what do you mean you want a restraining order?

So here's looking at fresh woods .. and the weekend...


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