Friday, April 27

Water Water Everywhere.....

Bangalore drains turn death trap

The week draws to a close... which is supposed to have significance for normal people.. However to me its just another excuse to Drink, Dine and Might throw in a play / movie for a good measure but then there is work to think about...

However what gets my goat (yes there is such an expression dear Bachcha) is the blatant usurping of public/ private land (and sometimes of water bodies as well - will explain) in the fair city of Bangalore. A case in point is the "Builders" NGV Club - Builders being euphemism for government contractors, whose moral quotient is less than that of a 13 day hungry hyena. Being at the bottom rung of the honesty ladder, these characters decided to build a "social" club where everyone comes for their evening tipple. In addition the "Club" offers an open air pool (currently closed due to some kids falling ill after swimming in it - the water turning green after local flooding should have been a hint), a couple of tennis courts among other things. These two facilities are unique in the sense they aren't built on land...the pool house (changing rooms etc) and the courts are built on a natural drain..yes ON top of a natural drain. Net result - with every half decent shower, NGV and Surrounding areas of Ejipura turn into Lake Baikal - with sludge thick enough to transport house sized boulders.

But lets not blame such fauna for our civic woes .. when the prime suspect for clogged drains is, other than bad planning, plastic bags...

However, its an interesting legal position, can one own a drain? More interesting position, can one flush a couple of enc-roachers down the drain?

Boot note:Coincidentally, a new "Sports" Complex was put up - with a men's and women's hair "dressing" facility ...the said facility was inaugurated by the Local "Health" Minister....

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