Now this is hilarious - not the mere fact that the humble Eliza style chatbot has evolved, that its flirting. I suspect this is evolution in its true form - largely stemming from women disappointment in men - so a machine steps in! Emperical proof - men are loosers - ever heard of any woman, whatever quality, called a looser? Even in countries with an adverse (ha ha - what a poor choice of words) sex ratio! Now the article goes on to say that the programme can chat up upto 10 women at a time without any one realising that that's a machine.. this is truly evolution - can you show me one guy who can chat up 10 women, even serially, successfully? No you cant!
i also suspect that the women, subconsciously, THEY KNOW! They just want to feel they are in the company of the perfect man!
However this bodes ill for the menfolk... lets see.. all porn for men, all sex toys for women therefore, men are satisfied with porn and women are satisfied by rabbits of various hues ;-).. now just imagine the chatbot is merged with a rabbit..... Shudder Shudder... (The words love and machine take on a whole new meaning here!)
So on that scary note and the fact that some blokes were shot dead a few hundred meters from my current residence, I am off to make amends and, hopefully, put a couple of rabbits out of employment.
Cheers all
Parting Shot
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it....Oscar Wilde
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