Thursday, February 14

Reverse Telecommuting is the only solution......

In addition to being in a rather foul mood all day [with the sole exception of the period between 1530 hrs and 1700hrs where the quality of water cooler humour and the quality of coworkers (cow orkers???) peaked], there are these goons who have somewhat held Maximum City to ramsom. This is not entirely a bad thing as whenever there is some trouble in MaxCty, work stops and the entire office going population becomes one giant rumour mill.... the last one I heard was "The Cell Phone Networks have been Jammed to prevent trouble".... er..and jammed networks would be? The reaction to crisis is borders on bizarre with people eagerly wait for almost any excitement - usually of the negative kind and for empirical evidence one has to but look at the media headlines .
So, in that eternal search for an honest answer to life's questions (best tackled over a hot cup of sugarless tea and the ubiquitous "बरुन अंॉणी मस्का") one parked at the den for a few extra hours which only added to the general irritation with the world at large and some individual(s) in particular. However, just when the dark clouds (never quite understood the usage of this phrase in India- Dark Clouds are a good thing in these parts; its the Tide one worries about much like the ones referred to by Sir Walter e.g "
..... that the last tide had risen considerably above the usual water-mark" from The Antiquary) Maddox brightened up the day with Fashion tips for women from a guy who knows dick about fashion.

This is an interesting way of exploring a popular concept - the usage of tide by Sir W. is intriguing as it is diverse - so far I have come across at least 4 works where he has used "tide" i.e. Jock o Hazeldean, Lochinvar, The field of Waterloo and already mentioned, The Antiquary. So, with the day suitably brightened, its back to Yoga, Skipping and a Long Walk. And need to prepare for the next (day's?) rants and find vent for my general and specific disgruntlements.

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